Monday, December 29, 2008

On the bus again

Here is J riding the bus after a long day at the zoo.


Today, we are in Chicago at the zoo! We stopped for lunch after
underwater viewing the sealions as they swam. J really enjoyed
watching them swim by. We can't wait to see what is next!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I couldn't just post pictures of food, I had to post some of J making all the funny faces she did today. She is really developing her little personality and attitude. Enjoy these:

Christmas Vittles

So we post-poned our trip to Chicago until after the holidays and we are hoping for a little warmer weather. Today it was below zero degrees F and that is just too cold! We will get to stay for almost 3 times as long and enjoy New Year's Eve in a big city. Since we will be traveling straight to where we are spending Christmas, I was able to help prepare some food so that is what I did today while L entertained J, and more often than not, J entertained L! Here are a few of the things I made today: Will post again soon I hope. If not, then Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! -J

Friday, December 19, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Earlier today, J and I were finishing our dinner, when the doorbell rang. It was a UPS delivery person who had left a package on our doorstep and rang the bell.
I picked her up and we went to the door. I moved the package inside, and J said, in a very excited voice: "PIZZA!" We don't really order pizza very often (less than once a month, I would say... 3 times max in her lifetime) I haven't opened the box yet, so maybe she was right.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

After 2 hours in the mall..

This is what my car looked like!


We woke to snow this morning lightly covering the ground. I took a picture just as some kids waiting for the bus were throwing snowballs at each other. Kids these days! Weather these days! It was 78 degrees yesterday!!! Here is a shot from our backyard:Photobucket

Sunday, December 7, 2008

MMMMmmmmMMMM, breadsticks...

We are having lunch today at Olive Garden and J really loves the

Sweet new hat

Here is a quick pic of J in her new hat that we got in the mail yesterday from Grandmom. Too adorable!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not so subliminal message?

So we were watching t.v. last night when L noticed that there was an interesting statement in the closed captioning (we have to turn it on so when J is being loud, we can still know what is going on). Here is what we saw.(Please pardon Little Kitty's tail at the top of the screen). If you are interested in the technical details of this, the closed captioning is leftover from the previous commercial (for Samuel Adams Beer).

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Happy Festivus!

So I missed out on telling you all Happy Thanksgiving, but now that I've recently re-decorated my blog, I'll go ahead and wish you all a Merry Christmas!!! I've been really busy with my new business and website . I've had tons of fun photographing family and friends and new friends too! We had a great Thanksgiving with my Dad's family. J had tons of fun playing with my cousins and sisters. I have a ton of pictures that I haven't been able to look through yet, but they are coming soon. Last night, L and I attended the Mays Business School Holiday Party at the Miramont Country Club. It was a nice big reception with fancy food and lots of hand shakes. It was nice to talk to the people I could have been working with and exchange crazy kids stories about how we are weird parents that teach our kids that certain body parts make certain noises. Apparently, J won't be the only one pressing something to elicit a certain sound. She may have a peer that runs up and places his palm on her nose, hoping to hear a "honk". I only hope that she doesn't reciprocate, and lift his shirt, pressing his belly button with a jolly, "Ging-Gong!". Hope you all had a great holiday and hope you have many more to come!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Evasive maneuver

This morning, J was playing with the car key and L told her not to press the red button. Well, she played for a while without incident, then, as I'm sure you've guessed by now, the car alarm started honking! J proceeds to then throw the key on the floor as fast as she can, whips around, and takes off running in the opposite direction! Where did she learn this "ditch and run" technique? We have no idea. I picked her up and she said, "button, car, beep beep!" as if to recant the story if what just happened. L and I couldn't stop laughing. She sure keeps life interesting!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So we are finished with antibiotc shots! Yay! Here she is with her celebratory grape lollipop:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tiny bubbles

Today, J had to get her 2nd of 3 Antibiotic shots. While waiting the required 15 minutes post-stick to ensure no allergic rash appears, the nurse was awesome enough to have bubbles at the ready to take her mind off the pain. She loved them and was a champ, only crying for a little bit until mommy could pick her up and the nurse started blowing those bubbles! I just hope I can remember to pack the bubbles every time she has to go get shots, at least until she is 15 or 16! :-)

This morning...

When Julia first woke up, I laid her down on the changing table to change her diaper and she said "Hillary, Emily... miss" I said, "do you miss Emily and Hillary", and she said "yes; I love you."

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Three Hour Tour...

Today, Suzanne came to College Station and we had a great visit as we traipsed around campus and ate at our old dining hall, Sbisa. It was fun to reminisce and see all of the old familiar sites, how things have changed, and how things have stayed the same. I think all in all, things look pretty much the same, with the exception of newer buses and a few new buildings plopped in the middle of old parking lots or empty spaces. We definitely got a lot of looks as we pushed J around in her stroller and she ran around the Academic Plaza underneath the Century Tree. Here are a few snapshots from our day:


So we are at the doctor's office and he is not thrilled with the way her ears look after being infected for 6 weeks and 3 rounds of antibiotics. So, today J got her first of three antibiotic shots. :- ( She also got a sucker, however, that this picture shows her throughly enjoying!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Online Portfolio

Here is a link to my online portfolio. Check it out and let me know what you think! Oh, and my sister and her boyfriend were just here for the weekend and we had fun taking pictures in the park. I needed to have some engagement pictures to show a client today, so we took some PRETEND engagement pictures. I just don't want anyone to flip out thinking that my littlest sister is engaged. She just loves having her picture taken, for whatever reason! Good thing too, because I think she is gorgeous! Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sisters at Midnight Yell

Midnight Yell

So, off to a good start, but....

I've fallen behind on writing everyday. I knew it was a lofty goal so no choice to to pick up where I left off. Hillary and Brennen came to College Station this weekend and it was full of fun hanging-out-time and A&M time. We also got to take some fun photos in the park and Julia enjoyed posing just like her aunt Hillary.
Hope you enjoyed those and more updates to come soon!

For the modern day Huxtable family?

For Cliff: Sweater For Theo: Track Suit I want one!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cookies, a snake, "smile!", and Election Day

So, this morning when J was asking for her second round of milk, she also asked for cookies. This was before 7am! Then, on the way to preschool, I almost ran over a 3ft snake that was crossing highway 6. I think it looked like a rattle snake but it was probably a bull snake. Then, after I picked J up from school, we went to Sam's and she was holding my phone, pointing the camera lens at her and holding it away from her as if to take a self portrait and saying, "Smile!!!", it was too cute. Then, we went to a friends house to watch the election results. She learned that she really liked dipping things and kept dipping chips in guacamole and handing the dipped chip off to whoever would take it. Needless to say, I ate way too many chips dipped in guacamole! Here are a few pictures from that night:

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today is Historic!

Don't forget to participate in our future history. (I just blew your mind, didn't I?) No matter who you support, get out and vote so your voice is heard and counted! Unless you already early voted, then "WAY TO GO!!!" and a big high-five from me!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Party at Pre-School

So, I feel like I'm posting too much to start off my blog, but, then again on the days that I will inevitably miss in the future, I'll have days like this to point to as my "banking up" days. Anyway, on to the PARTY!!! J had a little Halloween party at her school complete with spidey snacks and spider googly-eyed cupcakes. I snapped some general photos and also took some individual shots of the kids for their decorated pumpkin fridge magnets. I think everyone had a great time and I know took home a sugar-rush-waiting-to-happen that afternoon in their bags! -Till next year, Happy Halloween!

October in Chicago

We traveled to Chi-town a couple of weeks ago and had a good time. J was still fighting off an ear infection though, so we didn't go overboard with activities. We enjoyed the company of a Polish relative who lives in the area, Krzysiek or Kris for short. We went to a great Italian restaurant and also got to visit the American Girl store. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

Morning at the Museum

Today, J and I went to the Bryan Children's Museum. It was fun for her and some friends that went too! We ended up signing up for a membership so I'm sure there will be more pictures to come in the future. In the meantime, here are a few pictures from today:

Sunday, November 2, 2008

On the road again...

Today L and I drove to Belton to pick J up from a long weekend at Grandmom and Grandad's house. Aunt H, aunt E and uncle V were all in town to visit and help her trick-or-treat. I know they all had a good time and had fun singing the repetitive name songs and playing the closet game. Here is a quick snapshot of her in her car seat after she said, "bye bye Grandmom!"

"Kenny Cack"

Here, J has donned her kitty cat costume for her party at school. She loved wearing it! Oh yeah, she called it her "kenny cack" costume.

First post ever!!!

and it's from my iPhone! Gotta love technology. So, I admit I have a problem with putting exclamation points at the end of most of my sentences but you have to realize, that most of the time, I am just really that excited! I hope to use this interface to record our day to day happenings and to keep in touch with family and friends. Also, I am very excited to share my photos as well. Talk to you soon!