We are in Krakow!
We made it yesterday evening and have been busy sleeping! We slept from midnight until 2pm today! We needed our sleep evidently, plus it was closer to our home time zone. We went to Babcia's this evening and of course, she had some great food. We had barscz with potatoes and corn on the cobb. Julia even ate it all and a ham sandwich! Luke and I also had some kremowka for dessert, which is puff pastry layers with a cream layer and a custard layer in the middle. It's so yummy- probably my favorite sweet in Poland!
We went by the mall on our way home to stop at the grocery store for a few things. (It's nice to have a grocery store in the mall!) We made it home and had a second dinner where Julia scarfed down some kielbasa and crackers. We also got to ride the new tram that leaves from an underground station at the mall. It was really nice!
We made it to bed late again tonight (it's 2:25am as I'm writing this), but hopefully Juila will sleep late again.
We put Julia to bed in the same room with us and tonight she was having trouble going to sleep.
She said, "Tata- We sound someone pressing keys on the computer."
Luke said, "I'm writing an email to a friend."
She replied, incredulously, "Really?!?!"
Just the tone of her voice was hilarious! She has been saying that a lot lately. It's really funny because it is at the most random times it seems.
I really wanted to share some photos of our travels so far. Here they are, let me know what you think! (Click on "Arriving in Poland"
Arriving in Poland